The sun is climbing higher and higher every day. It seems that the spring will be here just in few days. The spring usually comes to Lithuania from the South West, together with a soft and wet sea wind. The smell of the sea is a herald of the spring. Sometimes I can almost smell…
Category: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: January, 2013
There is nothing very new outside. The winter is going to stay here for at least two months. January and February usually are the coldest months of the year in Lithuania. Global warming does not impact duration of winter here yet. So in my world of gardening there’s still a lot of time for dreaming,…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: December 2012
December started with a perfect winter this year. Days are white and wrapped with snow. Cold is mild, just about -5 to -10oC. This morning I saw the first fisherman on the lake ice. For me those ice-fishers are an attribute of serious winter. Seasons changed but it’s a wonderful weather for the Christmas mood….
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: November 2012
I’ve never taken pictures of my garden in November before. And I was pretty sure I won’t have a lot to show for this bloom day, maybe just some of common heathers. You can never know what to expect from November in Lithuania. Sometimes it’s pretty mild and rainy, sometimes with piles of snow. We’ve…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: October
The autumn gallops over my garden. The temperature is falling down and it hardly reaches 10oC during day time. Colors are fading. It’s raining every day and it’s really windy. The wind just tears the leaves out of the trees and crumples blossoms of the late bloomers. I hardly find moments to get out and…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2012
Penkioliktoji mėnesio diena – viso pasaulio sodininkai blogeriai šiandien raportuoja, kas naujo jų soduose ir gėlynuose. Laikas pirmajam Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day įrašui. Slampinėjau šiandien po kiemą neapsispręsdama, apie ką rašyti. Nesu patenkinta turimom nuotraukomis, o šiandien fotografavimui labai netinkamas oras: labai vėjuota, debesuota, protarpiais lyja. O dar prieš tai pažiūrėjau kaip visada tobulas Nancy J….