Sodo dalis, kurią mes vadiname “parku”, yra mano eksperimentinis plotas, kuriame aš bandau sukurti kažką gražaus nesilaikydama tradicinių gėlynų kūrimo taisyklių: paruošti dirvą, išnaikinti piktžoles, sodinti, laistyti, ravėti ir prižiūrėti. Pernai šioje sklypo dalyje buvo įrengtas geometrinių zonų “labirintas”, kad atskirti vaikščiojimui skirtus vejos takus ir plotelius, kur žolė nebus šienaujama. Nešienaujamuose ploteliuose tiesiog į…
Tag: Rudbeckia
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: November, 2013
This is the end. Golden autumn turned into gloomy black and white mode. It is dark in the morning; it’s dark when I come back home after the work. There were lots of rain and my lawn is wet and soggy. I even had to postpone my casual autumn cleaning because I can hardly enter…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: October, 2013
One more month has passed away. We are quickly approaching a cold season. During the last week the end of beautiful golden autumn has become more and more evident. Golden leaves started to fall and turn brown, and just in few days colourful and spruce trees uncovered their bare branches. My garden is slowly turning…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: September, 2013
This is my twelfth GBBD post and a first birthday of my blog– a small anniversary. The past year was a time of learning: learning about plants, compositions, care, maintenance, and even about photography. Thanks to the GBBD community, all the gardeners who invite to visit their gardens and share their experience– you folks are…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: August, 2013
This August is burning with reds, yellows and orange. These colours were not so dominant last year; they were much more diluted by white, pink or blue tones. However last month was very hot, I wasn’t at home and did no additional watering during these hot weeks, so many of my flowers bloomed shorter than…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: December 2012
December started with a perfect winter this year. Days are white and wrapped with snow. Cold is mild, just about -5 to -10oC. This morning I saw the first fisherman on the lake ice. For me those ice-fishers are an attribute of serious winter. Seasons changed but it’s a wonderful weather for the Christmas mood….
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: November 2012
I’ve never taken pictures of my garden in November before. And I was pretty sure I won’t have a lot to show for this bloom day, maybe just some of common heathers. You can never know what to expect from November in Lithuania. Sometimes it’s pretty mild and rainy, sometimes with piles of snow. We’ve…
Vienmečiai eksperimentai: Rugiagėlės (Centaurea cyanus)
Nors mano gėlyne dominuoja daugiamečiai augalai, vienmečiai augalai dovanoja smagumą kiekvienais metais eksperimentuoti ir atrasti kažką naujo. Maža to, jais galima dramatiškai ir labai pigiai pakeisti viso gėlyno vaizdą. Šiais metais pati tuo įsitikinau visai netyčia sukurdama du gerokai besiskiriančius gėlynus viename plote. Vasaros pradžioje mano gėlynus buvo užkariavusios rugiagėlės, kurdamos puslaukinį pievos vaizdą, o…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: October
The autumn gallops over my garden. The temperature is falling down and it hardly reaches 10oC during day time. Colors are fading. It’s raining every day and it’s really windy. The wind just tears the leaves out of the trees and crumples blossoms of the late bloomers. I hardly find moments to get out and…