Nežinau, kaip jūs, bet aš šiandien tiesiog gėriau saulės šviesą ir džiaugiausi kiekviena giedra akimirka. Tiesiog negalėjau atsidžiaugti, kad šiandien turėjau laisvą dieną. Pasiilgau saulės. Ši žiema, bent jau subjektyviai, man viena pilkiausių, kokią prisimenu. Gal tai tiesiog įspūdis, nes didžiąją darbo dienos dalį praleidžiu kabinete be langų, bet ir Lietuvos hidrometeorologijos tarnybos duomenimis sausį…
Tag: Euphorbia
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: May 2013
Here comes the sun… The sun is in the sky; the sun is under my feet. Meadows are yellow form blooms of common dandelion. Face, hands and dresses of my little daughter are almost always messy with their milky sap. And it is alright. I just can’t imagine the spring without this golden period. Some…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: February, 2013
The sun is climbing higher and higher every day. It seems that the spring will be here just in few days. The spring usually comes to Lithuania from the South West, together with a soft and wet sea wind. The smell of the sea is a herald of the spring. Sometimes I can almost smell…
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: January, 2013
There is nothing very new outside. The winter is going to stay here for at least two months. January and February usually are the coldest months of the year in Lithuania. Global warming does not impact duration of winter here yet. So in my world of gardening there’s still a lot of time for dreaming,…