Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: April, 2013

Spring is finally here. Not for very long though – there were only five warm days. March and the beginning of April were extremely cold, about 4oC colder than average.  My flower beds looks pretty messy after such a long winter. Spring’s cold did more damage than all the winter, especially for evergreen plants. For the moment my garden is very wet and seems not photogenic at all. It will need a little bit more time to recover. However it is impressive how fast nature tries to overtake arrears. All the hillsides are covered with yellow flowers of coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara). First flowers are humming from bees; I even saw the first butterfly yesterday. Although the lake is still covered with ice frogs are already active onshore, and a couple of swans returned. I think the spring will come like an explosion this year.

Tussilago farfara

It is so nice I finally have blooms in my garden to share. The first bloomers in my garden are Crocus chrysanthus. I always wait for them to bring first colours in to my flower beds. Lilac ones are always the first; while light yellow are my favourites.

Crocus chrysanthus
Crocus chrysanthus
Crocus chrysanthus
Crocus chrysanthus
Crocus chrysanthus

Crocus vernus opens few days later. I love these very much because they are a present from my husband. There are some husbands who bring home a bunch of flowers; but I am so happy mine is a “bulb type” (although he was sure that these are tulips :)).

Crocus vernus ‘Jeanne d’Arc’

Spring snowflakes (Leucojum vernum) are also one of the first bloomers. I don’t know why they are less popular than snowdrops. Snowflakes seem to be even more persistent bloomers.

Leucojum vernum

My other spring flowers a just waking up. Few days more are needed to Puschkinia libanotica and Scylla sibirica. This week should be warm, so maybe I’ll just post some additional photos later. I am just longing for beautiful pictures.

Puschkinia libanotica

I know that spring was late in many countries of Europe. I hope it finally burst with warmth and colours everywhere. Happy GBBD! Let’s meet on Carols May Dream Gardens to share our experience.



3 Comments Add yours

  1. Lydia Plunk says:

    LOVE the lead in photo of the frog. Most of the little creatures add pleasantness to the garden.

  2. John says:

    How nice to see a posting from Lithuania! Your photos are excellent. The crocus Jeanne d’Arc is one of my favorites too.You have me wishing I had frogs…
    As you noted on my MacGardens posting one of my favorite Hepaticas originated in Lithuania so I have nothing but positive impressions at the moment.

  3. Helene says:

    Hello and thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. What a nice blog you have, and so many nice spring flowers! I agree that spring snowflakes are just as wonderful as snowdrops, unfortunately they are much more expensive, at least here in Britain, so I haven’t got any of them, but I have around 500 snowdrops, 3 different types.

    I hope the warmer weather is staying with you, over here it is a bit colder than last week-end but still in double figures.
    Have a great week-end, take care, Helene.

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