Another wonderful month has passed away. Although Lithuanians usually complain about weather a lot, I can’t find any reasons to be unhappy about this summer. Till this day it was one of the nicest summers I could ever remember. There were a lot of sunny days and lots of opportunities for summer dresses to wear. What else could a Nordic woman wish for?
My garden is happy too. Intensive spring colours settled down a little bit. Few more weeks are needed for late summer perennials to take a relay. But still there are lots of blooms in my garden. So just take a walk between my flower beds.
Although my garden looks pretty big in pictures in reality it is a traditional long and narrow cottage backyard. My property ends with the backsides of my flower borders. We just don’t have fences between neighbours. This is the fourth summer in this house and, what a coincidence, I have four flower beds. When looking in to my garden you can read my story of gardening: my passions, discoveries and experiments. Here is a little bit this story.
The window bed
The window bed is my very first flower bed. It is located just near a big windows of a living room, so I spend a lot of time just looking at it. Hundreds of glances a day. That is why I want something to be happening in this border all over the year. At the moment my experimental coral corner is blooming. I wanted to try combination of deep purple and coral tones. I like this palette very much. Here are my corals, purples and a little bit of white: Zinnia ‘Salmon Queen’, Lilium ‘Reinesse’, Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’, Hemerocallis ‘Caterine Hawn’, Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry candy’, Rosa ‘Gruss an Aachen’, Astilbe ‘Bronzelaub’, Heuchera ‘Midas touch’.
The rim bed
A function of the rim bed is to separate patio space from the rest of the garden. Initially it was planned as a border of conifers; however I quickly realized that conifers are not my plants – they are too stable and too boring. So I have a real candy shop instead of solid green. This year I wanted to try a combination of white and yellow in this border. I discovered beauty of yellow flowers just last year, so I wanted to see if I can add a little bit more of yellows in my garden without changing previous colour schemes a lot. I think in the rim bed yellow worked pretty well, although this is not very traditional colour combination. Here are some of whites, yellows and light pinks from the rim bed: Astilbe ‘Bornzelaub’, Hemerocallis ‘Golden Boy’, Verbena hastata ‘Alba’, Zinnia ‘Polar Bear’, Veronica longifolia ‘Pink Damask’, Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Loraine Sunshine’.
The bean bed
The bean bed was created to make a place for Siberian irises and roses. It was the showiest during last month. The bean bed should have had white-pink-purple colour scheme, however some daylilies, which were planted here just temporary, at the moment make this border bright red. I will move them next year however I like the colours of this summer too. My red and white players: Hemerocallis ‘Little wine cup’, Astrantia major NOID, Hemerocallis ‘Swiss strawberry’, Papaver sominferum ‘Flemish Antique’ , Polygonum affine, Rosa ‘Marie Pavic’.
The narrow bed
The narrow bed is the youngest one; it was created last year as a place for late summer and autumn perennials. It looks a little bit sparse at the moment because not all the plants I planted for this border grow very well in my heavy clay soil. I should do something about it next year. I definitely need some plants that would make this border showier earlier in the season. Here are some close ups form the narrow bed: Delphinium from the Magic Fountain Series, Rosa ‘Golden wings’, Achillea filipendulina ‘Parker’s variety’, Monarda ‘Petit Delight’, Hemerocallis ‘White perfection’, Monarda ‘Beauty of Cobham’, Lythrum salicaria ‘Dropmore purple’, Hemerocallis ‘Little show stopper’.
And few more words about my beloved feather reed grass
The last month was a golden period for calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Overdam’. I mention this plant almost in my every post. But I think by looking at my pictures you will understand why. This plant brings a little bit of structure and rhythm in my chaotic and passionate gardening. Just love it.
Happy GBBD! I hope midsummer brought a lot of sunny days for you to enjoy and enough of rain for everything to grow. Thanks Carol from May Dreams Gardens for hosting this nice opportunity to share summer blooms from different corners of the world.
Hello, what a lovely summer garden you have! Loved your many daylilies and you are so fortunate to have a garden you can look out onto from your windows, I wish I had that. We also have the best summer in many years, I so enjoy the good weather and don’t mind all the watering, I wish the good weather will last all summer! Have a great week, take care, Helene.
Man labai patinka kaip tūris išsipildo tavo gėlyne. O ta mellow šviesa nuotraukose…
Happy GBBD! Your flowers are beautiful…but the sky in your pictures looks just as amazing..
Švelnūs violetiniai, rausvi, balsvai-kreminiai tonai labai labai… Lendrūnai puikiai atlieka “įžeminimo” funkciją. Labiausiai man patinka tai, kad nepaisant skirtingų augalų gausos, gėlynai atrodo mieli ir jaukūs. Žaviuosi.
I love the idea of no fences! And I bet your neighbors do too – your garden is lovely! Great photos too – that sky is so dramatic! Love it!
Soon your garden will be filled with flowers and paths. Maybe conifers could be the back drop for your lovely plants. A natural fence. I would be looking out the window all the time with all this beauty to enjoy. Happy GBBD.
Thanks everyone for visiting and commenting on my GBBD post. Your comments and suggestions mean a lot to me. I am so glad I have this opportunity to share my passion of gardening. Best wishes!
įspūdingos nuotraukos Aiste, spalva nepakartojama.. augalų salelės puikiai įsilieja į aplinką. Labai gražu, ačiū.